This formula has a reputation of almost never failing in its objective. Jananam contains herbs like Trin Panchamula and Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) which have galactogogue property and has been used for post-partum women to normalize their poor lactation ability.
Jananam promotes natural flow of milk, tissue repair in women and improves digestive abilities of the mother. Mothers should take Jananam with milk. Its dosage should be followed as per the prescription only.
Babies derive all their nutrition from their mother's milk. The milk provides all the essential nutrients which are not available in any other form to the child. Milk production is essential for optimal feeding of infants and has a direct impact on growth, development, and health in neonatal period. Indeed breast fed children are healthier on the whole than are bottle fed children.
Breastfeeding is influenced by nutritional and nonnutritional factors. Due to stress, obesity, smoking habits, poor nutrition, hormonal problems, breast surgeries, medications, sucking difficulties mother suffers from poor milk supply.
This formula has a reputation of almost never failing in its objective. Jananam contains plants molecules used to induce, maintain, and increase milk production. For example Trin Panchamula and Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) which have galactogogue properties and has been used for post-partum women to normalize their poor lactation ability.
Jananam promotes natural flow of milk, tissue repair in women and improves digestive abilities of the mother. Mothers should consume powder of Jananam twice or trice a day with milk. Its dosage should be followed as per the prescription only.