Disturbed sleep, irritation, restlessness, fatigue, constant waking up at night are the symptoms of sleeplessness. It is linked to an inability to get a sound sleep. Insomnia disturbs your mind, body and brain. The incomplete sleep is usually followed by impaired functionality of the brain and mind.
It is a very disturbing condition as it can affect not only the body energy levels but also behaviour, health, performance at work and the general quality of life.
Thus chronic insomnia develops poor memory, depression, loss of attentiveness at work and in study, forgetfulness and lack of concentration etc symptoms.
Some lifestyle, diet changes with ayurvedic medicines can help treat the problem. Above formula provides natural ways to manage the insomnia. It calms the mind, soothes nerves. It is a powerful brain tonic, which supports and improves all aspects of mental functioning. It tranquillise an anxious or over-stressed person.
Provides sleep-enhancing properties. This tablet is safe in case of stress-related conditions. Suitable for long-term use.